
Business Ethics and thier values


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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 3 / Words 628
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Answer the below mentioned questions-


a) produce an essay on business values and management ethics incorporated and practices by different global cultures. The essay will include executive summary, background analysis and different organisation cultures

b) According to you, explain with the reason that why Walmart face the failure to practice the management of ethics in the workplace because of the organisation culture. Provide the conclusion and recommendations by covering aspect that how the organisation can move the operating model in the direction of making the business ethics better.


Provide the report on environmental ethics and corporate social responsibility along with the arguments on the impact of the CSR on business ethics. Consider annual report of any organisation and emphasize on the CSR part. Also highlight on the way in which financial metrics influence business model.


In which area does data ethics becomes major performance indicator for employee who is directly or indirectly related to the data of the customer. Write an essay on the steps that organisation can take for incorporating proper governance and key performance indicators to win the battle of ethics.


Corporate social responsibility- case study

Wal-Mart is running its operations in thousands of stores across US along with the international branches. It is also considered as a largest private employer in US. Financially Wal-Mart has reached to the success and their stock prices have increased from 1970 when the prices were around $20 each. The stakeholders enjoy through the success of the Wal-Mart and on the other side consumers are benefited from the low pricing structures. It has positive impact on the society.

But at present the reality seems to be different, like it has experienced certain hurdles and is often regarded as for not living up to very high standards. Employers least considered Wal-Mart for job purpose. The most common criticism of Wal-Mart is the manner in which it treats their employees. Also, here employees are required to pay additional cost for health care in comparison to another corporation. It makes employees to work overtime and not paying for the same. Past employees claimed that they need to work off the clock. Also, Wal-Mart gets penalised for violating the child labour laws and the Americans with disabilities act. There observed women discrimination in the management structure of the Wal-Mart. The statistics shows that around 70 percent employees working are women and 90 percent positions are hold by the men. This made one of the largest civil right class lawsuits in the state of California. Wal-Mart has been further accused for employing aliens in many states and paid less than the minimum wages and also no medical benefits provided.

Considering above case study answer the below-


Although employment is promoted by the Wal-Mart but it has negative side too.  In context to this, what role does business management play in the community and also brief about the role of business in society.


Although business managers are handled with the responsibility of earning profit for attracting more stakeholders but on other side it has some responsibility towards customers, employees and suppliers. According to you which is more important and why? 


Do you think that Wal-Mart is headed with the responsibility for everyone that ranges from customer to supplier and to employees and stakeholders? Give a thought ad tell that Wal-Mart manifest the significance of the business and ethics practised by single corporation. Who is ultimately responsible for the payment of low prices of the Wal-Mart.

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